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Heron 0967.JPG

The Grey Heron

Grey Heron touching down on lake.JPG
Two herons feeding on college lake.JPG
Heron diving and catching perch.JPG
running take off.JPG
Young Heron catching very large fish.JPG
Hern attacked from left.JPG
grey Heron walking on water.JPG
juvenile heron walking on sleeper with fish.JPG
heron 0729.JPG
the catch.JPG
Grey Heron with catch in beak.JPG
Heron fishing with coot watching.JPG
Young Heron catching small fish.JPG
heron with big catch.JPG
Heron 0350.JPG
Heroin behaver.JPG
heron walking on water.JPG
vert shot of heron.JPG
Touch down on sleeper.JPG
Heron 0513.JPG
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